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26 mars 2024

Developing collaborative relationships

Discover the secrets to working together successfully in today's interconnected world, by joining us for an insightful workshop led by Sandra Schruijer.

In today's fast-paced environment, collaboration both within and between organizations is more crucial than ever. However, despite recognizing its importance, many organizations struggle with the complexities of collaboration.

Join us as we explore why:

  • agendas often remain closed
  • trust is elusive
  • and individual interests are difficult to align

Discover keys to overcoming these obstacles and achieving effective collaboration. Learn why collaboration isn't just about harmony but also involves navigating conflicts and embracing diversity that each party brings to the table. Explore how to work towards a joint goal while also serving your organization’s interests, and, what collaborative leadership means, when there is no formal authority.

For more information, follow this link: [i.o.h] offers the following workshops

Glad Sommar!
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Vi , Roger Hademalm och Stefan Lundgren, firar sista april och vårens ankomst,
30 apr 2024

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[i.o.h] har fått förstärkning! Välkommen Cecilia!
10 apr 2024

Hej och välkommen Cecilia Franzén! Hur känns det att bli en i laget? Hej och...

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